Do you need Car Transport Service?

Car Carrier Services
Jamuna Transport Corporation Ltd. is one of India's leading auto transport / shift company with its head office in Kolkata. Each year, source to source and across the country, JTCL manages the transport of nearly a million cars.

Vehicle Transportation
JTCL offers a full range of relocation services. We also provide relocation services related to loading, unloading, and transporting your belongings, assembly / disassembly, third-party services and storage services. We offer collection facility from your doorstep to the destination.

We provide personalized and dedicated service for all transportation needs of our clients.
With a parking hub of 65,000sq ft., we ensure your vehicles/belongings are safe and secured at all times. We provide an efficient, professional and competitive express service using our different sizes of vehicles.
Trusted since 1996
Jamuna Transport Corporation is one of the leading Car Transportation Service Provider in India. At Jamuna Transport Corporation, our goal is to provide the best and secure car transportation service to our clients. Our branches are located all over India comprising major cities, mostly adjacent to Car Manufacturing Units. We simply transport your car to your exact destination by our own car carrier with extra care.
Industry Sectors Coverage
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Two Wheelers
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Tractors and Tillers
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